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" It's with those we love that the adventure takes on a different flavour. "
Be the protagonists of your own of
Your Indian Ocean Adventure!
Share incredible moments of nature with your children, put yourself in the shoes of a pirate during a treasure hunt, take part in a thrilling game of big game fishing or go on a family trek...
Because parents, children and grandparents do not always have the same rhythm, our team will offer you a whole range of activities and services allowing everyone to fully enjoy their stay and to meet up around convivial moments.
Sharing, having fun, learning and relaxing are the key words of our family stays.

some of our MADASCARENES's experts

Maria Bester
Forest Adventure and
Village Communities
Randonnées et spéléologie volcanique

Matthieu Balanger
Hiking and volcanic caving

Sarah Caumes
24/7 Concierge
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